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Finding my Voice

Literally. It's story time. I always get asked 'how long have you been singing for'?

So here's the story, for those of you who care.....

Once upon a time...

...there was a little princess. Yeah.... that's right.... I'm the mother-truckin' princess in this story.....

I was 6. And I wanted to be a ballerina, but due to poorly developed tight hips (and overly developed boobs in my 'mature' years), it was never gonna happen.

I was having private dance lessons, and during this particular term I was being taught a 'song-and-tap' routine. Fun fact - for someone who is 5"2, I have disproportionately sized feet - size 9 - and therefore, with my massive, flipper feet, I am a kick-ass tapper.

That's my flex.


This song and tap number I hear you asking? - Button Up Your Over Coat

Chorus Lyrics:

'Button up your overcoat When the wind is free Take good care of yourself You belong to me

Eat an apple every day Get to bed by three Oh, take good care of yourself You belong to me'

I mean who the actual f**k gets to bed by three? What a life. I must admit, whilst I was writing this entry, I searched the song on YouTube, and my Lord. I hadn't heard this little ditty in almost 25 years, and listening to the lyrics I had a good laugh.... the language is so 1920's.

I'd love to do a rough translation.. here's a few of my favourite lines....

1920 - 'When you sass a traffic cop. Use diplomacy" 2021 - 'F**k the Police... I have rights!'

1920 - 'Keep away from bootleg hooch. When you're on a spree'

2021 - 'Don't get sh*t-faced, when you're out'

Ahhh. So innocent when sung by a 6 year old....

I have an old picture of me in the costume, but I'm too scared to post it, because the clown make-up that was prescribed for stage is simply horrific and terrifying. I'll try and dig up an old VHS tape of it and upload it.... that'll be cuter.... ha!

Back to the story. So, I'm in my lesson, and we are about to run through the vocal part, and I remember asking my teacher at the time (Miss Audrey).. 'do you want me to sing it in my normal voice? or in my good voice?'... to which she responded - 'uh, good voice?'.

I remember doing the song - top to bottom - nervous as hell, worried I was going to make a fool of myself for using my 'good voice' (discovered sitting on the toilet for those of you at home - more about that later), and after a flawless delivery, Miss Audrey paused the cassette tape, and ran out the room. Ahh, sure. I'm a baby at this stage, pretty sure I assumed it was that bad that she just simply had to run away from me.

Standing there bewildered, on the brink of tears, she raced back with my Mum in tow. 'Rachel, can you do that again? exactly like that - in your 'good voice' she asked..... so off I went, thinking it was just all some kind of joke....

Turns out, after I THOUGHT I did a good job, I was punished. Punished with MORE lessons.

SINGING lessons.

CLASSICAL singing lessons!

There's only so much a 6 year old can take!!

The moment on the toilet I had, where I discovered I had TWO singing voices had come back to haunt me. It’s strange how you remember the most ridiculous details about the past. They almost seem irrelevant, but in reality- if I didn’t sing to myself whilst poopin’ as a child, I would’ve never gone down the path I have. Probably would’ve made something of myself that my parents are really proud of…….

I’m kidding! They’re TOTALLY proud of me…… right? Mum? Dad?

Looking back now, yes, I did enjoy my lessons. But when snarky Jorja gets to learn "Part Of Your World" every week for a year, and I'm learning some Latin piece, it hardly seems fair or fun.

Life isn't about getting what you want, but want you need. And I guess these more technical, gruelling, BORING lessons, turned out to be something I am extremely proud of.

"I'm Classically trained" *Flicks hair back* - in response to the question ‘did you have singing lessons?’…. ahh DUH!

I was trained classically, right up until I was about 16, then transferred to the school's private singing teacher for a handful of lessons to complete my SACE requirements. Even then, my teacher handed the reigns over, and let me choose what I wanted and needed to do for me to gain my merit (a year early.... *buffs nails on shirt*)

Since then, I haven't really had any formal training.... don't know if I should? Maybe learning new techniques, tips and tricks is a good thing - but after 25 years of singing I'd like to think I know what I can and can't achieve. Isn't the saying 'practice makes perfect'? Pretty sure I sing every day, being in the car, shower, my studio, behind my guitar learning songs, or at rehearsals.

Maybe one day I'll decide to dive more into the biology and physics of singing....or maybe I won't...? Whom knows? I'll let you know.. obviously! I'm lucky that I get to do what I love for a living, and it was something that I was born to do. It totally comes naturally. I never felt like I had to really 'study' my craft. I was directed to do something, in the right way, by the right people, and everything kind of fell into place.

I have always believed that everyone can sing - it's just a matter of letting go and unleashing your inner diva - yet I am constantly reminded that this isn't true and that there are people who have awful voices, even when unleashing their inner diva - Sarah Brand for example in this masterpiece 'Red Dress' *CRINGE*

Anyway - that's the story of little 'doomy' Rachel and how she started singing. I'll try and dig up that VHS of me as a little munchkin singing and telling you 'not to go out & get white-girl wasted'.

Feel free to ask any questions - I promise to remain honest and an open book. Peace and love.


Rach x

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